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Taijiquan and Martial Arts Styles. Current News and Events at the Center. In July 2015, the Center for Body-Mind Harmony moved to 298 West Ave, to the front of Rocco Plaza. Classes began in our new location on Tuesday, July 14th.
Welcome on my personal webpage. Please note that this page is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS, but feel free to look around.
Shaolin Kungfu, Chi Kung, Taijiquan and Zen. SHAOLIN KUNGFU, CHI KUNG, TAIJIQUAN AND ZEN. Shaolin Wahnam Websites of Various Countries. Special Courses by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit. A Quote from the Grandmaster.
中新网 20余国少林 洋弟子 归山朝拜 释永信受礼开示.
Es un organismo avalado por el monasterio. De la montaña Song en la provincia de Henan, República Popular de China, con presencia en Oriente y Occidente. Su fundación se debe a la iniciativa del monje maestro Shi Sheng He de la 31ª generación de monjes guerreros del monasterio, para difundir las enseñanzas del templo. En la actualidad cuenta con 2 centros de estudio, en México y en la República Popular de China donde se celebran actividades de intercambio y viajes periódicos.
What is Kung Fu? Kung Fu requires of the practitioner a strict code of physical and mental discipline, unparalleled in Western pursuits. It is only as a whole concept that kung fu can be discussed, and this entails more than fighting. The standards to be met to attain proficiency are so high that the Chinese refer to the master as a disciple of the way of the tiger, the sign of the dragon.
Shaolin Martial Arts Association of Russia. Russian National branch of International Shaolin kungfu Federation. История и теория боевых искусств. О Китае и его традициях. Как не ошибиться на Пути. Состоялась стажировка учеников ФШБИ в Шаолине. В период с 20 по 24 мая прошел мастерский семинар по шаолиньскому ушу и духовной практике.